Light and Shadows

peonies shaddow
marina sillhouetter

As much as I wanted to spend last Saturday afternoon at a beer garden celebrating our win and the end of the season with my team, sucking down stouts and eating a cheeseburger, I had my grandmother with me, and so I declined the invitation and went grocery shopping and cleaned my apartment instead. It turned out to be such a perfect day, one that I needed. Marina chose peonies over Prosecco at Trader Joe's, and shared them with me. After she divvied them up and put hers in a bag by the door, I was entranced by the shadows that danced behind their fluffy and shiny round heads.

Josh and Katie came over for dinner and we forgot to get dessert, so the boys went to the corner store and bought us all drumsticks.

After they left we listened to bluegrass records and danced. Vinyl sounds so good.