Clara Turns Two!

This month is flying by. And I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. A lot of angst has subsided and I'm feeling very grateful for where I am. Grateful for the good people in my life, success in my business, and appreciative of beautiful, healthy days. And this little girl is taking up a pretty sizable chunk of my heart.

Clara turned two a few weeks ago, and I snapped these photos at her little birthday celebration at a Berkeley park. I can't believe how fast she's growing up, and it's only accelerated by the presence of her older sister, Nyah, whom she absolutely adores. I have the pleasure of spending a few mornings a week with Clara, usually while Nyah is at preschool, and sometimes I get to watch them both. I can't adequately verbalize how much I enjoy them, but I know they're my absolute favorite subjects to photograph. And they're really so much more than just eye candy. 

Welcome to two, sweet Clara Bear! It looks good on you. 

P.S. More from last fall, last spring, and Clara's first birthday